Culture. That's what I've been learning the last few days here in Gaming. As I'm starting to settle into my new home for the next 4 months, I've been learning some important lessons.. mostly the hard way.
Like, how the local grocery store doesn't put your stuff in bags to save the environment. So you need to bring your own bag, otherwise you and your friends will be walking back to the Kartause holding everything in your hands and pockets. Or, how Austrians (and Europeans in general) don't laugh or talk too loud out in public. If you do, you'll get looks. Especially if you're friends with Hispanics from New York ;)
The most beautiful lesson, however, is how seriously Europeans take the decorating of their churches. Even the local parish church in Gaming is covered in gold and huge murals and statues. It's breathtaking. Many churches in this area were built in the Baroque era, which focused on showing the glory of God in our human lives. These types of churches have the domed ceilings with all of the paintings and gold decoration, to give a foretaste of the glory of Heaven. I love it :)
At Mass at each of these churches we've been going to, it blows my mind when the priest consecrates the Eucharist. The same prayers, the same Jesus, the same words of consecration that I was hearing at that moment have been happening in those churches for the past 700 years. The continuity of the Catholic faith always amazes me, with wonder and gratitude.
After a few days of sightseeing, classes have now begun. This semester is going to be the best semester of classes I've ever taken. I'm taking 4 theology and a philosophy class, meaning I'm finally getting into the heart of my major and studying things that I actually want to study. All of the professors here are so passionate and devout. I have one from England and one from Scotland.. their accents make my day :)
Peace & Blessings
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